Along with working with teachers inside of the classroom to provide rigorous and relevant coursework, Advanced Talent and Learning Development Specialists will offer the following services to AIG students grades 6-13:

  • Tiered Services - These services are offered through the classroom teacher based on student differentiation needs: Middle School and High School. 
  • Academic Support - ALTDS will meet with students multiple times throughout the semester to check-in on academic progress and social / emotional well-being.
  • Decision Making Consultation
  • Information Concerning Educational Opportunities Outside of School
  • Career and College Planning Guidance
  • Summer, Volunteering, Job Shadowing, and Internship Opportunities

Student and Parent / Guardian Resources

Grade Level Checklists for Community College and University Bound Students

UNC System Schools College Admission Information

NC Private Colleges and Universities Admission Information

The WHAT, WHEN, WHY of Standardized Testing

Summer Camps and Enrichment Opportunities

Local Volunteer Opportunities

Sample Activities Log

Middle School Battle of the Books List 2024-2025

Middle School Parent/Student Newsletters 2023-2024

High School Parent and Student Newsletters 2023-2024


Teacher Resources

Middle School Teacher Newsletters 2023-2024